Exploring the Unconscious World of Dreams
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its not supernatural, clairvoyance, occult or psychic....its science....the psychology of dreams

i can competently interpret dreams using the science/psychology of Carl Jung

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About Jerry {Gifford}
Words in Bold Red are Links to a Webpage or Website

In the Beginning, A Transformation
In 1992 at the age of 42 I began my journey of self discovery with an introduction to American Mythologist Joseph Campbell in the popular PBS series program The Power of Myth {with Bill Moyers}. That experience led me to Carl Jung and his his philosophy and concepts on dreams. In a single night I began a transformation from being guided by social and unconscious energies to the true person I was meant to be. I discovered I possessed an intuitive 'knowledge' of the concepts Jung expound and began to use those skills to help others understand their dreams, and in the process themselves. After 27 years of study and personal search I am now in retirement, working with dreams, designing/maintaining my websites and, a task that was cast upon me working with the rescue of homeless animals. My Kitty Fund.
Joseph Campbell is best known for his work in comparative mythology and religion and his exploration of the many facets of the human experience. Among his admirers was George Lucas whose Star War trilogies was based on Campbell's Monomyth, the basic patterns of the mythological hero/heroine. The phrase 'follow your bliss' is largely attributed to Campbell in teaching his students at Sarah Lawrence College, his idea of bliss involves finding that thing in life you love doing most and making that your profession, your life.

In 1998 I began a self taught education into web design and later that year began the construction of my first and most comprehensive website Myths-Dreams-Symbols. That website became my tool of expression which has helped me to develop personally, psychologically and spiritually. In Jungian psyche creative is an inherent and intregal aspect of a balanced life. I designed and established the Dream Forum in 2005 and built a condensed version of MDS in 2012 with the Power of Dreams.

I first began analyzing/interpreting dreams in the mid 1990s at various dream websites when the internet was still relatively in its infancy. There were many and varied methods of dream interpretation but I discovered by using Jungian concepts I was able to provide sound interpretations. The more I applied Jungian concepts the greater success I had. As a lay person working in a field that is very much academia I felt I had gained insights into the dream world that would normally require many years of deep study in an university environment. As the years passed and with my practical work with dreams I gained greater insights to the natural processes of dreams {which fit with Jung's basic concepts}. I now feel/know with from the years of experience I can confidently and compentently analysis any dream. I am not alone in this ability. The internet is full of websites where Jungian psyche is the prime premise for understanding and interpreting dreams.

Dream Forum
In 2005 I designed and placed on line my Dream Forum. The forum allows visitors to post their dreams for analysis and interpretation {my interpretations have always been free}. I have interpreted more than 4,500 dreams with the follow-up responses from the dreamer and other comments totaling more than 15,000 posts. From this experience I have gained insights to dream structure as well as the many applications within a dream. My success in analyzing dreams has led me to the strong belief that all dreams can be interpreted by an experienced dream analyst {using Jungian concepts}. Contrary to popular thought I have found dreams are no longer a great mystery. Their language of symbol and metaphor {with a focus on emotional energies and patterns} allows true insights to what lies within the dreamer's unconscious. My Dream Forum is a catalog of my work and a verification of Jungian concepts. There are many like myself who have found great sucess in properly/scuccessfully analyzing and interpreting dreams using Jungian concepts. When I began interpreting dreams in the mid 1990s there were few who used Jung. Today his concepts and philosophy on dreams are the prevailing theory. Most pages on the internet today are either Jungian or basic on his principles of the psyche

Life Today
Today I am retired and living in Altoona, Florida. I work one day a week with the family fence business that I started in 1978 and my son now owns in the Orlando, Central Florida area. This supplements my SS income and pays for an activity 'cast' upon me after I retired and moved to Florida {see next paragraph}. My real passion is in working with dreams and my websites but life sometimes alters the inner desires and requires changes to layed out plans. At the same time I have continued to work through the personal issues that plagued my early adult life that prevented me from fulfilling my responsibilities to others. In resolving my '
shadow' and understanding the strong emotional energies that had led me, up until my discovery of Jungian psyche, I have been able to discover and become my 'true self', able to discipline myself to fulfill my duties and responsibilities cast upon me through fate.

Animal Rescue
In 2013 I became involved with homeless and sheltered animals and as of February 2023 care for 14 rescued domestic and feral cats {see Kitty City}. This was not what I had planned in my retirement years but having had rescued cats in my life for nine years prior to my involvement in animal rescue it did fit with the 'hero deed' where one responds to the 'call to adventure'. It is pretty much a fultime job often limiting my time with dream analysis and my web sites. But having failed too many times in my responsibilities in personal relationships it is obligatory that I not fail this test. And let's not forget my one time response 'it is only a cat'. Those words have made it impertative I follow through with this responsibility to my furry felines atoning for a aggrieved action on my part some 40+ years ago.

Phyiscal Fitness
Physical fitness continues to be a vital part of my lifestyle {a routine I began in 1980} and is vital in maintaining a balanced, healthy life. While pressures are inevitable in life physical fitness has allowed me to manage these pressures all the while providing a healthy body. I always take time to council anyone who wishes to listen about the virtues of physical fitness. Experience is wisdom and I have learned from experience life at age 70+ is much more pleasurable and livable when you have good health. And contrary to the belief it takes many, many hours to be and stay physically healthy I can state as fact that is not true. My physical routine is a 30 minute workout 3 times a week and along with a proper diet {but not unsustainably strict} I am able to live life without medications and physical impairments. The old adage of 'pay me now or pay me later' comes much sooner than one may think.

In Conclusion
My religion is of the spirit of soul and nature. My purpose is no longer unknown and misguided, life being more than merely living by the norms. I have cast aside the old self of social duty and have learned new rules of creativity and true spiritual living. Living by the rule 'think psychologically, live spritually' my life cycle is in the final stages. I have no fear of death. What comes after this life I do not know but I do not dwell on what can't be known but instead what has been experienced I can accept what life has been in its short existence. Regrets, I have many. I see this life as a journey and experience for the soul. The body will die but the soul continues on its journey to its next experience. I look forward to the next experience.
Read: Interpreting Dreams and the Intuitive Psyche
Interpreting Dreams is using a Natural Intuitive Process and basic Jungian concepts

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum